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What to Expect

Wear what you're comfortable wearing!  Some people wear suits to church, some people wear jeans. It's up to you.


We take the Lord's Supper every Sunday.  We do this as a community to remember together what it is that brings us together: Jesus Christ and His sacrifice for us.  The bread represents His body and the cup represents His blood.  Any and all baptized believers are welcome to participate with us.


Churches of Christ worship "a cappella," which means without instruments.  When we sing, it is all vocal.  Words and music are projected on the screen in addition to being found in a song book.


Throughout our worship service, we are led in prayer to God.  Typically, we have an opening prayer and a closing prayer.  Before the closing prayer, we have a time where you can request a prayer or share with us a report of thanksgiving.


The sermon is when we hear a message from the Bible.  It is usually 15-20 minutes in length.  If you'd like to listen to past sermons, please visit this page.


Usually after the Lord's Supper, we have a monetary collection.  The proceeds go to the work of the church and to further its ministries.  As a visitor, you are not expected to give anything at all, though you are certainly welcome to do so.

© Copyright Westside Church of Christ. all rights preserved.

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